Woman Criticized for Not Washing Chicken She Claps Back

May 2024 · 5 minute read

Mom Gets Criticized for Not Washing Her Chicken, But Turns Out USDA Says She’s Right Not Doing It


Feb. Nine 2024, Published 8:06 a.m. ET

Source: TikTok | @lehandrabreanne

Lehandra Staude (@lehandrabreanne) lampooned a bunch of TikTokers who got here for her neck after she uploaded a cooking video appearing her making ready a chicken with out washing it in a follow-up clip the place she states that, contrary to popular trust, washing chicken after taking it out of the package deal is a foul thought.

She starts her video via declaring: "The amount of uproar in my comments about not washing my chicken is crazy to me. The fact of the matter is that it's 2023 and Google is free you guys you can literally Google and find out why you should not be washing your chicken anymore."

Lehandra went on, mocking the parents who got on her case about not washing chicken: "Oh but I've been doing it for 20 years and I'm fine. Are you fine? Are you? I'll be the first to admit that I actually can be a gross b*tch sometimes you guys okay?"


Replying to @T’Ma 💕 sending love your approach T’Ma 🫶🏻 #easychicken #panfriedchicken #chefleh #dontwashyourchicken

♬ original sound - Lehandra Staude Source: TikTok | @lehandrabreanne

TikToker Lehandra Staude claps back at other folks who say that she must wash her chicken sooner than cooking int.

"But when it comes to my chicken safety, I am not. No but you guys are getting really f------ offended in my comments as if I'm inviting you over to my house to eat dinner and guess what? I'm not!"

"I'm not this is for me. Okay? I do some gross s--- sometimes, okay? Okay? Ask me when the last time I washed my sheets was? But guess what you're not sleeping in my bed either," she says as she continues to cut up meals on her slicing board earlier than guffawing and protruding her tongue and guffawing into the camera lens.

Source: TikTok | @lehandrabreanne

"But your Mama might be, I'm just kidding. Unfollow me. Honestly I just find it more entertaining than anything at this point because I'm like..."

She then cuts her digital camera to show the chicken that she tossed immediately from the bundle into a pot, which is seasoned and sizzling.

"My chicken looks like this right now I just seasoned it and it's basically cooked but the bottom's a little crispy. So I'm just gonna add a little bit of chicken broth, just to like de-glaze it, broth tax," she says prior to taking a swig out of the chicken broth carton.

"This was a brand new jar and yes it's going back in my fridge, eww, gross b--- cook your chicken. I'm gonna throw some asparagus just right in, tomatoes right in, and I'm just gonna kinda let this steam, let it cook, season it a little bit more. Just an easy one pot recipe you guys," she says, dabbing seasoning into the pot.

Source: TikTok | @lehandrabreanne

"I put the lid on and I just let it cook until the potatoes are fork tender, and that's it you guys look how yummy this is? Here let me do this again. Look at that! It's just simple, easy, yummy, healthy way to make chicken again in just a different way that I made it last night," she says, blowing on some food she simply picked up with a utensil.

She slurps the food up as she records and she's maintaining her child: "The chicken just broke right apart. All right you guys bone apple t---- wash your chicken don't wash your chicken make sure you wash your f----- a--- and stop being an a--hole, okay? On the internet?"

Lehandra grimaces into the camera again earlier than ultimately tossing her fork onto the plate and the video ends.

According to the USDA, washing uncooked chicken after it comes out of the package deal is normally a nasty idea, as dealing with the raw meat earlier than cooking it provides it an opportunity to spread right through your kitchen.

Source: TikTok | @lehandrabreanne

The complete statement from the government company reads: "Washing poultry before cooking it is not recommended. Bacteria in raw meat and poultry juices can be spread to other foods, utensils, and surfaces. We call this cross-contamination. Some consumers think they are removing bacteria and making their meat or poultry safe through washing. However, some of the bacteria are so tightly attached that you could not remove them no matter how many times you washed."

The USDA persisted: "But there are other types of bacteria that can be easily washed off and splashed on the surfaces of your kitchen. Failure to clean these contaminated areas can lead to foodborne illness. Cooking (baking, broiling, boiling, and grilling) to the right temperature kills the bacteria, so washing food is not necessary. Using a food thermometer is the only sure way of knowing if your food has reached a high enough temperature to destroy foodborne bacteria."

Source: TikTok | @lehandrabreanne

There were different commenters who spoke back to Lehandra's put up who echoed these sentiments, with a large number of other folks who identified that kitchens do not in most cases wash chicken prior to cooking it, and others commenting that cooking the poultry at top heats does greater than sufficient to remove any of the germs/micro organism that may be on it.

"never heard of washing chicken. Worked in many resturants too."

"I am 42 and have NEVERRRRR washed my chicken. Washing chicken is CRAZYYYY"

"I’ve never washed my chicken, ever."

"You know what’s funny, restaurants don’t wash chicken and we all eat it"

"I thought cooking it kills the germs anyways lmao"
